
Embed Guide

This is for those with a website or a blog. If you've embedded a YouTube video on your website, then you already know how it works. You copy and paste a small piece of HTML code into your website, or content management system, and your website visitors can view, zoom, and interact with your mosaic right on your website. And if you're wondering how much it costs, it's free. In this guide, we'll go over the following:

Why do people/organizations embed?

There are so many reasons people and organizations create their mosaics, so it really varies a lot why they would embed it, but at the core of it is to be able to tell their story the way they want to tell it. Your mosaic page on our site has all these navigations and features and buttons, and the most you can do is write a name and description. But when you embed it on your website, only the core zoomable mosaic and the basic zoom controls are shown, and you have full control over how everything else looks on your site. And you can design the page, and tell your story in a way that is more effective for what you're doing. It also directs traffic to your site, for example if you wanted to send out a newsletter telling people about your mosaic, if you embed your mosaic on your site, and link to that page in the newsletter, that will send traffic to your site. And when people are browsing your site, and they come across your mosaic, that's another piece of content for them to spend more time on your site, and it's a fun way to connect with you and your brand by looking through all the photos you've added to your mosaic.

How to embed mosaics

On your mosaic page, click Share, and then click on the Embed tab. There are various options that you can choose from, including things like whether to show the title and description of the mosaic, or whether to auto-play or not. And you can even set the background color of the embedded viewer to match your site. Then you simply copy and paste the embed code onto your website, just as you would if you were to embed a YouTube video. And that's it. Oh, you want to make sure your mosaic's privacy setting is changed from the default Private setting to Public or Unlisted setting. Otherwise other people won't be able to see your embedded mosaic.

How to let others add their photos

One of the embed options is to show Add Photos button. This is a small '+' button next to the search button. When you enable this, and when someone clicks on it, they will be directed to your mosaic page, and the Add Photos dialog will automatically pop up for them to add their photos. When they add their photos, they will see their photos in the mosaic right away, but only they can see this. Your original mosaic remains unchanged until you approve these new photos. Once you approve these photos, they'll be added to your original mosaic for everyone to see.

How much is it? It's free!

It's free to create, share, and collaborate. Embedding falls under sharing. And it's a win-win for everyone. When you create a beautiful mosaic and share it, others will want to do it too, and will want to find out how and where you did it, and they'll know this when they see a small link at the bottom of the embedded mosaic that links to Mosaically.

How to remove the credit link

Certain media outlets and institutions do not allow links to be on their website. If you're part of these organizations, you can pay to remove the credit link. This serves to offset the cost of hosting your mosaic and serving your mosaic to potentially millions of users without us getting any credit for it. Contact us about this if this is something you need. Removing the link without our authorization is stealing, and is a violation of our terms of use, and we will disable your mosaic and reach out to you. It's really frustrating to us and hurts us as a small business when large seemingly reputable organizations do this, and we end up with the bill for the traffic.

Get assistance!

Let us know if you have any questions about embedding your mosaic. Just click Chat Now at the bottom right corner of our site.

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